
Are you all ready for this?

Welcome to Jaapex Solutions. We work with small and medium size businesses to find solutions to help meet their business needs. We have a number of services that we offer that can increase help increase revenue, reduce costs, mitigate risks, and improve quality of life for it’s management team.

Jaapex Solutions exists to help you meet the goals of your business

Jaapex Solutions focuses on delivering technological services and solutions that will help you achieve your goals. We offer free consultations, services that will help you manage your technology needs, and are brokers of over 260 different suppliers with a wide range of solutions.




Quality of Life

Increase Revenue

Our solutions help remove barriers that your experience freeing up your time to focus on what you do the best, managing your business. Often owners and management of a business spend lots of time managing mundane tasks or battling frustrating obstacles instead of focusing on what will grow their business. Jaapex Solutions can help manage you IT infrastructure and find operational solutions to your issues. Let us be your expert IT department and find solutions that propels growth, instead of constantly hindering it.

Reduce Costs

Jaapex Solutions has access to over 260 suppliers and solution providers that help you cut your costs. We will do an in-depth analysis of the services you currently are using and can offer multiple solutions to either cut costs or improve the level of service.

Mitigate Risk

Businesses are under attack, and those business that are compromised, rarely recover. Jaapex Solutions offers services that help analyze your business risks and find solutions to reduce or eliminate those risks. Some of the services we provide leverage free government solutions which allows us to cut our expense to you. In other words, we can offer a tremendous value at a fraction of the cost.

Improve Quality of Life

Running a business is tough, and often owners and management find themselve wearing many hats, working long hours, and are not able to step away from the business. The solutions we offer will help streamline processes, reduce headaches, and free up your time. Now you’ll get the time to focus on building the business, gaining new clients, taking that well deserved trip to Hawaii, spend more time on the golf course, or whatever quality time looks like for you.

Need Services Now?

Know exactly what you need? let us help. Whether you looking for a new internet connection, rolling out a new phone service, or looking for help in managing your IT needs, we can help you find the right solution. We work as a broker to find the right solutions for you. Let us know what you’re looking for and we can find the right solution for you.

Free Consultation and Quick Wins

Let us provide you with a list of options for reducing your costs and eliminating your pain points. It’s free and there is no obligations. We will need some information on what services you currently are using, what your biggest pain points are with those services, and how much your currently paying. Then, let us handle the rest. We’ll present you with the best set of services that will help you achieve your goals. If we can’t find a better solution for you, your out nothing, but potentially, we could save you a lot of money.

Offload Your Technology Headaches

Want to truly offload your technology concerns, we can help with that. Our vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) and vCSO (Virtual Chief Security Officer) services can take over managing your IT needs and Risk Management needs so you can do what you know best, managing your business. Let our experience help you achieve your goals.